Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last Day of November

It's already going to be December tomorrow. How did that sneak up on us? I wasn't ready for it to be Thanksgivng (and M's 30th!) and i feel like tomorrow will be Christmas. Yikes!

The weather here also is trying to tell me its winter. Last week we had high 70's / Low 80's for Turkey Day and now it's in the 30's - 50's. freaky winter weather. Makes me wish we still had a fireplace.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Here we go again....

Ok so i'm trying this blog thing one more time. I was all excited about my last blog until they tried to charge me for it so let's hope this one stays free.

I've been thinking of a lot of things i'd like to post the past few weeks and now that i have an outlet i can't think of any of them.

So check back every now and again and i'll try to say something worthwhile ;)