Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Economy Sucks

I found out yesterday that i am one of 5 people in our 16 person office that is being laid off.

Being 16 days away from my due date i had to keep a level head yesterday because i thought the shock of it all would send me into labor!

Still pregnant and hanging in there. I wish we could afford for me to stay home but it isn't feasible and i think that sucks.

Please think good thoughts for me as i start to look for something new to start in January after a few weeks of leave at home with the new baby!


Amy Mae said...

OH NO!! You don't need this :( I hope you can find something when you need to. ((((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

thanks! I am not panicking yet. I've told myself to wait till December to do that!

Anonymous said...

Oh No!! Honey how unfair! I am so sorry. You are smart though and you have an awesome career history and great skills. You will be okay!
*hugs* to you and baby!